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Frequently asked questions about DXFV.
1) How big DXF files can be viewed with DXFV?
DXFV does not have any limitation to the size of the DXF file which can be viewed. In our tests we use DXF files with sizes from some hundrends of Kbytes up to Mbytes, and in all cases DXFV works smoothly without significant performance degradation. The only limitation is the size of your PDA memory. So you can try to open your files of interest and see if they can be opened on your machine.

2) Which files are compatible with DXFV?
DXFV can present dxf files compatible with AutoCAD V12 specification
If you are using ANY VERSION of AutoCAD select File->Export... and then select 'Save as type: AutoCAD R12/LT2 DXF'. 
If you are using another program which can export data in dxf format, read the documentation of your program. In most cases when the dxf version is not mentioned, then it will be the AutoCAD V12 (it is a de facto standard).

3) On Tungsten T3/Tungsten E/Zire 71 I have opened some files (or failed to open even the sample.dxf), but after some time DXFV stops or displays an error message when I try to open a dxf file.
On Tungsten T3 please check:
ii) That you have installed the latest patch from PalmOne for your T3. The T3 had very serious problems with the SD cards. You can find the T3 update at:
ii) Format the SD card using the T3 and move again the dxf files to the /DXF directory.
iii)That you are using Autocad for the creation of dxf files and that they are dxf v12 format.

Palm Zire 71 and Tungsten E also have a bug with the SD card reading operation. Download and install the patch from PALMONE. The link was at the time of DXFV 2.4 release: 

4) I installed DXFV but I cannot open files using Menu->File-> Open.
Check that you have written your dxf files in the directory /DXF/ of your CF/SD card. You should create the /DXF directory first.

5) File seems to load but I see a black screen at the end of loading.
Some PALM OS PDAs have some incompatibilities with the color system. Just press Menu->Zoom-> Zoom extents and you will see the drawing without any other problems.

6) Sometimes it takes some seconds to perform a snap during measurements, when I open a big file.
Snap finishes more quickly when you have performed zoom to the area where the line/arc you want to snap to is located.

7) I see my drawing rotated.
DXFV presents the TOP view of your drawing. Try View->3D Views->Top at you desktop CAD to have a coherent view of the drawing.

8) When I have the mp3 player running at the background DXFV sometimes seems to stop working.
Please turn off the mp3 player while you work with DXFV. The same applies to any other program that works at the background

9) It takes several minutes to hotsync dxf files. 
DXFV has nothing to do with this. It is the hotsync process that takes so much time. You may use a card reader to transfer your files. 



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Last update: 01/30/2004
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